Warm greetings!
I published a new Weekly Message from Spirit yesterday and forgot to send this email to announce it! This message is all about embodying the gentle strength of the Divine Feminine. I hope that you will enjoy it!
If you are interested in working more closely with me, registration is now open for the May session of the Fabulous Five Monthly Healing program. This program is only for five people each month and some spots are already reserved.
You will receive:
a recorded personal intuitive reading on what you need to know right now, delivered by May 9
small group distance healing sessions on Tuesday nights, May 9, 16, 23 and 30 at 9 p.m. Eastern. Each session lasts 60 minutes.
a Healing Report Video after each session which outlines how the session flowed for the group and includes weekly intuitive messages for the group.
How can the Fabulous Five help?
experience relief and support for chronic health conditions
experience relief of stress and anxiety
receive support while moving through a transition in life
uplift your vibration by gently shifting stuck and stagnant energies
receive help in strengthening your own intuition and connection to Spirit
Check in with your Heart and Guides! You will know if the Fabulous Five is right for you!
Have a great weekend!
Many blessings,