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Thank you for your interest in the Fabulous Five. After running it consistently for three years, it has reached its completion. Thank you to all who participated!! Personal distance healing sessions are still available!

Many blessings!

Five is the number of change. As you receive weekly, focused Reiki energy healing, you will release energetic obstacles in your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Reiki distance energy healing is a great detective. It flows into the body and with its high frequency, escorting out any lower vibrating energies that keep us unwell and stuck. It's like anti-virus software, but for your whole being!


The best thing yet, is that you don't have to go anywhere or do anything special. You can be awake, asleep, busy. In any case, the Reiki healing energy will work on your behalf. Personally, I like to relax and enjoy the feeling of the energy working, but it is not necessary for you to benefit.


Benefits include:


greater calm, peace and clarity in the mind and emotions

greater ability to receive insight from the Divine, both yourself or through the session itself

encourages a deeper relationship with Spirit, the Angels, Guides & Ascended Masters

heightens your own, personal spiritual gifts

provides relief to physical ailments

can aid in achieving better sleep

enjoy relief from anxiety


Fabulous 5 members receive spectacular benefits from


60 minute group (ONLY 5 people) distance energy healing sessions. The dates for November are Tuesdays, November 7, 14, 21 and 28. Sessions are at a new time: 5:30 p.m. Eastern.

30 minute "How to Best Meet the Present Moment" oracle card reading ($55 value) - delivered by video by Tuesday, November 7.

Session after- care via Healing Report Video each week. This includes information on how the session flowed for everyone and any spiritual guidance that emerges for the group.

More specific spiritual guidance, since the healing is channeled to only a handful of members!


All sessions run for one hour. If you are asleep or otherwise occupied during this time, do not worry. The energy will work for your highest and best regardless of whether or not you are conscious of it in the moment.


The price for this healing program is $88.88 for the month of November. I will announce when the registration period is open for the following month. Fabulous Five members receive priority registration for the following month. There is absolutely no obligation to re-register, as I understand that not everyone may want to take an energetic deep dive every month. (This is NOT a subscription.)


I will email the Healing Report and additional information and guidance from Spirit within 48 hours (very often well within 24 hours!) of the session. In the Healing Report, I detail specifically how the session went, how the Reiki healing energy flowed for the group at each chakra and also bring forth any insight and guidance that occurs during the session. The additional information and guidance comes in different forms each week, according to what Spirit wants me to do for the group. Some weeks, you may receive a sound healing meditation. Others, there could be an additional oracle card reading for the group or even a channeled message.


On the weeks that you are provided with a sound healing meditation, it may include toning of various notes and syllables to help you heal physically, emotionally and/or spiritually. Some sessions may include prayers, messages from Spirit or songs. It is common to hear many “OM” chants as well as mantras being sung. I channel the session, so what gets sung or spoken is really up to Spirit and not me! Every session is spontaneous, unique and I am continuously amazed.


Past clients have reported profound feelings of peace and relaxation as well as physical sensations and releases while listening to their recorded sound healing sessions. You can listen to your healing session as often as you feel guided.


I welcome any questions or client feedback at I look forward to being of service! Here's to your highest and best healing!

Thank you for 3 Wonderful Years!

SKU: 19
    • There are no refunds for energy  healing services or packages.
    • I am not a medical doctor.  Please do not discontinue use of your medications or treatment with your medical doctor while receiving energy healing sessions.  
    • Your privacy is of utmost importance to me.  All information is kept in confidence.
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