At age 5, an angel appeared to me at my bedside. I opened my eyes and saw an angelic figure- a young girl with curly red hair. She had a beautiful, serene round face and was dressed in a light blue robe. She was kneeling with hands folded in prayer as I laid in my twin bed. Upon waking to this peaceful image, I closed my eyes as tight as could be and wished that she would just go away! These days, if a day goes by and I don’t see some sparkling angel lights or colored mists, I note that I have been too rushed or too busy to stop and take notice of my dear friends saying hello from the Higher Realms.
Several years ago, I began to more deeply explore my spiritual life. In response to that, I was sent a variety of teachers, healers, messengers and friends who helped me along my path. On the way, I began a meditation practice. I began to calm myself, heal and made first, conscious contact with my Guides and Guardian Angels.
Through a new friend, I met an energy healer. I had no idea what in the world energy healing even was, but I felt totally drawn to experience it. Once I began receiving energy healing treatments, I found that my life began to evolve even more. Each of us is in a constant state of change or flux, but it seemed like my personal transformation stepped up into high gear. Through energy healing work, symptoms of my TMJ disorder continued to improve and my digestion and acid reflux difficulties were alleviated. Also, my thyroid function normalized. Prior to this work, I was on three different prescription medications. Not anymore!
As these physical, spiritual and emotional changes took place, my spiritual life became vastly richer and I began to clear and release old emotional wounds. Perhaps the most awesome thing to emerge from all of this is the experiences I have had with the angelic beings around me. I can feel their presence, see their sparkling lights and see evidence of the miracles they constantly work in my life. Given the strength of my personal experiences with healing, I voraciously set out to learn more and hence stumbled upon the next step of my journey. I began to recognize what had been within me all along- that I was a healer myself. I studied each degree of Reiki intently and became a Reiki Master in 2009. At the encouragement of my Reiki Master Teacher Francine, I began to incorporate sound into my healing treatments.
Thinking back, there were “signs” that I was a healer, even though my career path has always been in music. Years ago, someone said to me- “When I leave here, I feel lighter and happier. You give more than just a piano lesson.” I took that as a huge compliment, not knowing then the full extent of what he meant. I marvel at the profound changes that have occurred in life in recent years.
I hold a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Music. I am a professional, classically-trained soprano who sings nationally in recitals, with orchestras and with opera companies. I also teach at the college level. However, I have gone from being “just” a teacher and performer to a channel for the angels and guides that work through me to benefit others.