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New Supermoon in Sagitarrius Collective Distance Healing

Sun, Dec 05


Distance Healing is truly wireless.

Receive 60 minutes of distance energy healing to uplift your body, mind and spirit.

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New Supermoon in Sagitarrius Collective Distance Healing
New Supermoon in Sagitarrius Collective Distance Healing

Time & Location

Dec 05, 2021, 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM EST

Distance Healing is truly wireless.


About the Event

I will hold a special 60 minute group Reiki distance healing session on Sunday, December 5, 2021. The healing energy will be sent at 9 p.m. Eastern Time (Florida, USA). Regardless of whether you are awake, asleep or otherwise engaged, the healing energy will reach you. Healing energy can help you heal physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.   I always set the highest and best intention for all of my clients.

PLEASE NOTE:  This is not an online session.  There is no live video while I am sending the healing energy.  There is no website to log in to or number to call!  When you register, the intention is set for you to receive the healing energy.  You may consider relaxing or lying down during the time of the healing session.  Consider using the sound healing meditation during the time of the healing session for an even more amplified experience.

I work with the angelic realm and Archangel Michael is one of my main guides in my healing work.  I always ask Archangel Michael to join in each healing session and ask for his protection over all of us during this sacred time.  In my healing sessions, I also work with Jesus, the Divine Mother Mary, Archangels Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel, among others!

If you would like to amplify your experience by listening to one of my sound healing meditations, please have a look at the selection available on my YouTube channel. 

Within 24 hours of the healing session, participants will receive a private link to the Healing Report Video.  In the healing report, I detail how the energy flowed for the group and what specific parts of the body were asking for extra healing energy.  I often receive messages from Spirit during the healing, which I detail in the video report.  Sometimes, I will be guided to channel a message for the group.

Reiki is an energy therapy that helps balance the body, mind and spirit.  It promotes deep relaxation which encourages the body's natural capacity to heal and is a wonderful complement to patients already receiving medical treatment.  Reiki stimulates the immune system, which is of particular importance in today's world.

Reiki can:

  • relieve pain
  • relieve anxiety
  • relieve fatigue
  • help relieve depression
  • relieve insomnia
  • help relieve post traumatic stress disorder
  • improve your mood
  • relieve tension, stress and headaches
  • help those suffering from chronic physical ailments and disease

Reiki is used as a complement to those already seeking medical treatment for conditions such as heart disease, multiple sclerosis and cancer.

During the session itself, you may feel heat pulsating through the body, tingling sensations or a gentle pressure at the top of the head.  You may feel gentle releases throughout your physical body.  Some clients fall asleep during the healing session.  Others feel nothing during the session, but may feel lighter afterwards.  You may feel more bounce in your step, more mental clarity and a better mood.  The energy helps restore body, mind and spirit to its optimal state.

After the Reiki distance healing sessions, clients have reported:

  • feeling more connected to Spirit, their Angels and Guides
  • releasing stagnant emotion and stress (often through crying during or after the session, which is good!)
  • feeling greater peace, harmony and clarity
  • feeling more empowered to face their challenges
  • having a great night's sleep
  • feeling more balanced
  • observing improvements in their relationships
  • feeling greater love and appreciation for themselves
  • being more receptive to insight and guidance to help their life now

If you have any questions or comments, you are welcome to email me at

May this healing be for your highest and best!


  • Full Moon Distance Healing

    You will receive 60 minutes of distance healing. After the session, you will receive a private link to your Healing Report video. This will detail how the healing went and include spiritual guidance.

    Sale ended



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