In this sound healing meditation, there is emphasis on healing the root chakra from feelings of lack. Healing lack around self-worth and abundance within the self and family system. Spirit wanted to bring us the energy of joy, courage and bravery. It is safe for you to rely on your Soul and Spirit Team to guide you!
As you listen to the sound of my speaking and singing voice, you will receive healing energy to help you on every level of your being-- physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Lay down and relax as you listen to this meditation. You may choose to chant along with it as well.
These healing recordings are multiple use. Use it as often as you feel guided.
If you have questions or comments, please feel free to reach me at
Joy and Courage Sound Healing Meditation
No refunds are available for downloaded MP3 products.
Results may vary from client to client.
My intention is always clearly stated- that the healing be for your absolute Highest and Best.