In 2019, I bought a lush, red 2020 planner. I had brilliant plans.
I was in opera rehearsals for Aida. I went to New York to see my voice teacher at the end of February to prepare for an engagement in Charlotte.
And then, *poof.* Everything changed.
The key word for 2020 was "ADAPT." I did adapt. Quickly. My teaching studio went online. LoveLightVoice.com grew. Even my church music job went online.
In 2020, I adapted, learned new things and grew. Since early October, I have been taking live yoga classes 5 days a week over Zoom. It's a self-care win! I buckled down on tennis. I joined a second tennis league. I made it to the finals for the first time in one of them. I'm more confident on the court. That feels good as well.
I learned a great deal about money, economics and entrepreneurship. Integral to each part of what I've written here, my connection to Spirit continues to evolve and expand. My trust continues to grow. Your turn. What did you learn this year? How did you grow?
Registration is now open for my Fabulous Five monthly healing program. If you are moving through a period in life where you would benefit from consistent healing support and guidance, this is for you. Receive 60 minutes of distance healings on Tuesdays, January 5, 12, 19 and 26 at 9 p.m. Eastern time. After each session, typically on the next day, you will receive more personalized guidance from Spirit as well as your Healing Report. To learn more about this program, click here!