Warm greetings!
I have been enjoying the energy of playfulness and spending time outdoors. It feels so nourishing to my inner child and inspires my creativity. It was this fun energy that called me to the "Messages from the Fairies" deck for this week's Spirit Message.
In this week's video, we received a message of renewal and blessings on marriages, relationships and partnerships. I sensed someone or a group of people who may be feeling a bit sad. I talk about ways to shift out of this energy. Watch the video here or click on the image below.
General registration is open for the August session of the Fabulous Five Monthly Healing Program. If you'd like to work with me more closely, this is a great way to do it. Each month, five people receive a 60 minute group distance healing on Tuesday nights at 9 p.m. The first session is on Tuesday, August 9. Members also receive a personal intuitive reading, delivered by recorded video. You will have this by Tuesday, August 9 as well. After-care is provided after each session by Healing Report Video on Wednesdays.
I do have some members returning from the July session, so space is extremely limited. Once all five spots are booked, my website will indicate the program is sold out. Check in with your heart and guides-- you will know if this healing opportunity is right for you! Learn more about the Fabulous Five.
If you are interested in personal distance healing work or intuitive readings, please see my menu of services here.
Love, peace and blessings,
