I am an avid tennis player. I love, love, love to play tennis. However, I'd often limp off the court. At one point, I thought for sure my right leg might snap off if I didn't start to take care of it!
Nearly a year ago, I started to take yoga classes with Pose-itively Yoga over Zoom. This yoga studio is owned by Loretta Standley. I had followed Loretta's astrology work for many years. You can visit her work at DrStandley.com.
The pandemic brought her classes online and I began to attend in October 2020. This has become a near daily habit for me. I start my day 4 to 5 days a week with yoga. Being flexible does not come natural to me! I am learning to stay present on the mat, to breathe and remain focused. Over the course of the year, my body has been gently opening. What a beautiful thing it is, to walk off the tennis court and not need Advil!
Her yoga studio has gone global! She has students in nearly all of the 50 states. Vist her website at pose-itivelyyoga.com, @pose_itivelyyoga on IG or facebook.com/poseitivelyyoga
Remember, this is not a paid ad! I recommend people and places because I love them!
Helpful links:
💗Sound Healing with the Ocean - link in bio or
💗Distance Healing Events - link in bio or