Warm greetings!
Today I delivered a trunk load of donations to my favorite thrift store that supports a cat shelter. I had been gathering clothing to take there, as well as a local consignment shop.
We have been in Virgo season since August 23. I felt the call to clean up and purge. Virgo is the sign of details and organization. I love clearing away possessions I no longer use or need. I love to think about how I am creating space for the new to enter!
My closet looks awesome right now! I'm curious-- have any of you been doing the same thing?
Within days, we welcome the Full Moon in Pisces. It's an excellent Full Moon to release old emotions from our system. In the days leading up to the Full Moon, you may find yourself triggered by old memories. Observe what comes up and allow yourself to rise to a new level of healing. Feel the emotions, breathe and let the old go.
Healing is a spiral. You may also notice yourself thinking about the dramas of the past and realize you aren't nearly as triggered by them as before!
If you would like to receive distance energy healing to help you release at this Full Moon, I will offer a distance energy healing session on Sunday, September 19th at 9 p.m. Eastern time. When you register, feel free to share your intention for the session with me. Participants will receive a Healing Report Video within 24 hours of the session.
Awake, asleep or otherwise engaged, the distance healing session will help you heal physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This is an excellent opportunity for an hour of self-care and relaxation without leaving the comfort of your own home! Register for the Full Moon in Pisces Group Distance Healing Session here.
I will be releasing a Full Moon sound healing meditation ahead of Sunday night's healing session. Look for that in your email this weekend.
Many blessings,
Martha P.S. Consider following Love Light Voice on Facebook. I am also on Instagram (@lovelightvoice) and have been posting my daily gratitude list there, as well as a series of posts titled "My Favorite Spiritual Teachers." I've been sharing some anecdotes and book recommendations. You can also see the Favorite Spirtual Teacher posts on my blog on LoveLightVoice.com.