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You won't believe this, but.....

Writer's picture: Love Light VoiceLove Light Voice


You won't believe what I have to share with you today! I have the best advice ahead of the Gemini New Moon coming up on Thursday. The New Moon is a perfect "seed planting" opportunity.

Just a few weeks ago, I read a post about playing around with the phrase, "Wouldn't it be nice if....." (fill in the blank with your desire.) I found myself playing around with this thought in particular: "Wouldn't it be nice if I had a grand piano?"

I already have a lovely piano, a console. It is a black, shiny Schimmel from Braunschweig, Germany. It has a beautiful touch and feel with a rich sound. That piano is a family member. But still, there's something about grand piano...

Two weeks ago, a woman called me out of nowhere. She'd found the listing for my music studio on Google. She was calling to ask if I knew anyone who might want a grand piano. It belonged to a family member who had returned to Spirit. The family wanted to find the instrument a good home. They were willing to give the piano away for free.

I asked to visit the piano. I went last Monday, a week ago. The instrument is older, but beautiful. She needs some polish, dusting and love. Despite being in climate-controlled storage for a year, she has held her tuning remarkably well, save for the upper and lower extremities. I fell in love.

The owner generously offered to pay half of the moving costs for the piano. Once the deal was done, we both cried! The piano arrives tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. I have moved my Schimmel into my office, right here, next to my desk. I have cleared the space in my living room for the grand piano.

I saw my Piano Fairy Godmother again over the weekend. She has yet another piano to give away. I connected her with folks from a church where I play one service a week. They really could use a new piano. Now they have one. It's amazing how many blessings have come from this one person.

As we were leaving the storage unit, Piano Fairy Godmother said, "You know, I believe in manifesting. And a few weeks ago, I thought to myself, "Wouldn't it be nice if I could find a great home for this grand piano?"

I about fell over when I heard her use those words. "Wouldn't it be nice....." Friends, we have a New Moon, Solar Eclipse this week. It's a great moment to play with this very phrase.

When I used the phrase, I was light about it. I didn't obsess. Frankly, I didn't even think I could fit another instrument into my condo!

I offer this story to you with love and hope that when YOUR wish comes true, you too will cry happy tears.

Have a beautiful week.

Love and blessings,


On Thursday, I will be offering a 60 minute collective distance healing session to support your intentions during the New Moon in Gemini. Within 24 hours of the session, participants will receive a Healing Report Video which will include details on how the healing went, as well as any spiritual guidance I receive on behalf of the group.

You do not have to do anything special to receive this healing. Awake, asleep or otherwise engaged, the healing energy will work for your highest and best. This is a collective session, but the energy works on your needs individually- whether they be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. The energy has an intelligence of its own and always brings you what is for your highest and best.

I work with the angelic realm, especially Archangels Michael and Raphael. The Divine Mother is often present in my healing sessions. I see her as Mother Mary most frequently. I also call on my Guides and the Guides of everyone in the group to effect the highest and best healing for all.

I will be publishing a sound healing meditation for the New Moon in Gemini later this week. Look for it in your email on Thursday. This sound healing can be used independently or in tandem with Thursday night's session. Consider subscribing to my YouTube channel to access all of my sound healing content, as well as informational videos.

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