"Your voice in the Lakshmi Mantra is very powerful and inspiring! I don't get tired of listening to it!"
-Marcela B., New York, NY
Years ago, my cousin Blanche introduced me to Lakshmi. She taught me a ritual to perform on the first night of Diwali. It involved cleaning your whole house and lighting a candle at the front window so that Lakshmi would know she is welcome. I loved this ritual and enjoyed learning about Diwali. From that point forward, Lakshmi came into my life.
Years later, I was part of a very special healing and meditation group. Even now, I wonder how in the world I got to spend time with this remarkable group of people. All of the members in the group were much older and experienced than I in spiritual matters. But there I was, sending healing alongside them. I think fondly upon that time in my life and the people I met with week after week for two years.
In that group, I first learned the Lakshmi mantra from my friend Raj. The Lakshmi mantra is OM SHRIM MAHA LAKSHMI NAMAHA. I loved connecting to Lakshmi's energy of prosperity and abundance. Lakshmi is indeed a Hindu deity, but Lakshmi is also that brilliant, genius part of our being that attracts prosperity and abundance. Wherever your creativity lies, there is Lakshmi, waiting to bless you with abundance.
When we think of abundance and prosperity, we may first think of money. Consider what other types of riches you have created in your life as well. Family, friends, a wonderful relationship, a great pet, past times you enjoy, a comfortable living space. Stop to consider all the ways that abundance is already present in your life.
There are times, especially now, given the worldwide pandemic, where people's finances have been affected. There are those who may not feel as abundant as usual. Sometimes we need a boost to remind us of our abundant nature, to stoke our creativity. This is what this sound healing meditation is for - to awaken the potential for further abundance within you, in any area of life where you desire it.
"...I initially downloaded your mantra about a year ago thanks to Jeannette Maw who mentions it in her work. I've listened to it for a few weeks and then I continued to explore different mantras, but to be honest your mantra feels different and unique (now that i can compare it to countless others). A few days ago, I had a particularly rough day and felt like I just needed to lie down and drain my thoughts. That's when I remembered about your mantra and just felt drawn to it, so I just turned it on and started humming along to it without thinking about anything. It made a huge difference to the rest of my day. It was such a relief... " -Serge Z., Sydney, Australia
Martha of LoveLightVoice.com is a professional, classically-trained soprano and musician. This 19 minute sound healing meditation includes the sound of a Tibetan singing bowl, sung chant and healing energy. As I speak or sing, healing energy is transmitted to the listener. If you are sensitive to feeling energy, you will be able to feel the healing energy working to awaken more of your abundant potential as you listen to this recording. The recording begins with the chanting of 9 OMs. It is followed by the repetition of the Lakshmi mantra. Please chant along with me in whatever octave of your voice is comfortable. At the end of the recording, I chant a mantra of gratitude, OM NAMAH YESHUWAYA, the Christ Consciousness mantra. Click here to purchase your MP3 download of Lakshmi: Align with Abundance.